Gender switching is one area that Hollywood has never been willing to explore. Even Blake Edwards could not get a studio to examine this concept with any validity. However, a porn film maker used his resources to put together an excellent cast in support of a whimsical story, which is told well. Although many in the cast had experience in pornography, this film is not of that nature. (Unless you consider nudity to be pornography, in which case this film probably would not appeal to you.)
What happens when a male chauvinist pig finds himself in the body of a sexy girl, and then discovers that the company that he built up is being taken over by one of his buddies, who is only interested in siphoning off as much money as he can? How does a male chauvinist pig deal with the feelings having a woman's body creates?
The film explores concepts of sexuality, gender stereotypes, and romance intelligently and with feeling. Jane Hamilton provides an excellent performance as a man trapped in a woman's body, who, at first, is oblivious to any change. Alan Naggar excels in portraying the slimy grease ball who is out to milk every penny from Leo's company. Scott Baker does a wonderful job of portraying a masculine yet sensitive blue collar worker, who falls in love with Cleo.
To my mind, this film is far superior to the gender swap film 'Switch', much more believable, entertaining, and sensuous.