Judging by the review Francisco Huerta from Mexico City gave this show, I can only assume that it does not translate well into spanish. All i know is this was the show for which i ran home every day afterschool to see.
I wouldnt puck any real stock in their theme song -- its one of those that gets stuck in your head it introduces the main characters, explains the premise of the show a little (for first time viewers)
The idea of the show is that cartoons come in generations and the old teach the new (somewhat like real life) at Acme Looniversity. To acquaint younger viewer with the older characters, spielberg has given each of the older characters a younger protege
Bugs Bunny -- Buster Bunny Honey (from the show) -- Babs Bunny Babs is a girl bunny so i guess she somewhat resembles lola from space jam but she was never referenced. there was a whole episode explaining how all the other kids have mentors except her so they created one for her Daffy Duck -- Plucky, Shirley the loon Elmer Fudd -- Elmira Tweety Bird -- Sweety Bird Tazmanian devil -- Dizzy Devil Yosemite Sam -- Montana Max Pepe - Fifi Porky Pig -- Hampton J Pig Sylvester -- Furball Wile E Coyote -- (i can't remember this protege's name) roadrunner -- (i cant remember this protege's name either)
Sneezer reminds me of that really annoying whining mouse (whose name escapes me) who wears a blue hat from tex avery or chuck jones cartoons.
Gogo is a new one for me -- i dont know of any looney toons who are extinct birds who wear umbrella hats
Though the proteges resemble their mentors, they each have their own personality and history for example both Yosemite and Montana are obsessed with money, have similar personalities and are the villians but Montana isnt western and hes already rich
The show has episodes starring each protege learning a lesson taught by their mentor
It wasnt as violent as the originals, but they did air it at 3 o clock in the afternoon among VERY violent shows (power rangers, vr troopers) In a lineup with that much fighting it was a welcome change to have a show that you could just hang out with
This was by far one of my favorite cartoons. I cannot say enough about the talented people who lent their voices to these characters. Add thats to the great animation (great for 1990) and youve got yourself a hit!
i apologize for any info ive left out or forgotten -- i did watch this show roughly 12 years ago.