So this seems to be a case of hard core porn director, Michel Caputo attempting to make it into the mainstream with the help of (possibly an old associate) legendary, Brigitte Lahaie. Must have seemed a good idea to make a straight film based around a bunch of pornographers, won't even need a story. Except in anything other than your usual fare, Mr. Caputo, you do need one and a believable one at that, unless the charm and action is going to carry things. Try as she might, however, Lahaie can't carry this by herself, never mind how much running around she does. Main trouble here (apart from all the 80s music and athletic dancing) is that it is all so implausible. We have an ageing lesbian who is supposed to be irresistible but looks more like a crazed prison warden (I suppose that could irresistible to some!) and a besotted police commissioner who could not even convince as a bobby on the beat.