Seriously though, had all the good titles been taken by all the countless other "psychopath gets close to common person" flicks? This holds no surprises, other than perhaps the fact that it ends so abruptly that it might be more like stopping. If you've seen a single one of these(and let's face it, that's probably the full amount of actually great ones in this overpopulated sub-genre to thriller), you've seen them all. The clichés are riddled throughout the generic script. Every other line of Baldwin #64 could, indeed, be accompanied by orchestral stings that signify evil and you might not even notice it. They try too hard, and it winds up being distractingly unrealistic as opposed to creepy. The acting is poor, with the kid definitely being the worst(she's also got the least tolerable role). There are numerous instances of characters(who, by the way, are entirely forgettable and unbelievably bland) reacting however the scene requires them to. Much like Whispers, which appears to be the only other thing by director Jackson that I've watched, this just holds next to no interesting or memorable elements. It's been done before, and it is far superior elsewhere. There is some disturbing content and a bit of violence in this. I recommend this solely to big fans of the cast and crew. 6/10