One of the shining moments in my aussiedom was when I watched this film and realised that it takes a very special kind of mind to create this kind of masterpiece and that that mind was aussie.
Take a budget of say hmmm AUS$2000? Perhaps thats a little generous hehehe, some relatively unknown actors, an old Italian muscle man version of hercules and a very warped and creative script writer and you have... tears running down your face and aching sides.
It has everything, good guys, bad guys, action, comedy..... lotsssssss of comedy and of course 'I love movies with muscle men in them' hehehe. Its been about a year since I've seen this movie though I've seen it about 20 times because I keep getting it out to show it to other people, but I still remember scenes and lines and sit there and giggle quietly to myself. My friends and I often sprout a line when it seems appropriate (or inappropriate as is usually the case) and we'll start giggling hillariously all over again.
Watch It!! Just do yourself a favour and watch it, because I don't think they will be re-releasing this gem and the old vids are getting worn down by the fans.
For all you poor deprived people over the pond, lobby whoever you have to and beg them to get it released in your country. Call it cultural education hehehe I swear you wont be disappointed.