Once Upon a Time in China III, directed by Tsui Hark, brings back Jet Li as the legendary Wong Fei Hung in this exciting third chapter of the series. Li's performance as Fei Hung is as engaging as ever, infusing the character with both depth and charm.
The film shines with the return of Rosamund Kwan as Aunt Yee, Fei Hung's love interest. Kwan's portrayal adds a sweet touch of shyness and motivation to the plot, perfectly balancing Li's commanding presence. The introduction of Fei Hung's father, Wong Kei-Ying, played by Shun Lau, adds another layer to the story, enhancing the family dynamics.
However, the standout character is definitely Club Foot (or Iron Foot, depending on the subtitles), portrayed by Xin Xin Xiong. Xiong delivers a deeply emotional and complex performance that often overshadows the main villain, making Club Foot a more intriguing antagonist. Meanwhile, Jin Chiu's role as the wealthy martial artist Chiu Tin-Bai is impressive, bringing an extra layer of depth to his character.
While the main villain might not be as strong as others, the entire cast delivers solid performances that keep viewers hooked. Tsui Hark's direction is top-notch, skillfully mixing thrilling martial arts action with emotional storytelling and character growth.
Once Upon a Time in China III is a fantastic addition to the franchise, providing fans with an epic story that highlights the talents of its cast and the vision of its director. Despite a few shortcomings, it's definitely a must-watch for martial arts enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates the craft of this genre.