Directed by Carl Franklin and written by Billy Bob Thornton and Tom Epperson, 'One False Move' is a thriller starring Cynda Williams, Billy Bob Thornton, Bill Paxton, Michael Beach,etc.
Although the film on the surface is another drug deal gone wrong type thriller with violence and blood, but it has a lot going on beneath the violence of the criminal activities portrayed on screen. The script deals with the themes of the contrast between the country and the city, racism and the mask that many people wear to hide the complexities of their lives and their past. Somehow all these themes come together in the most seamless and nuanced manner to enhance the poignancy of the film. The plot reminded me of Richard Brooks' 'In Cold Blood'. It has a similar structure of criminals on the road trying to evade the law while the police is making plans to bring them in.
The acting is very good from all involved. Many of the characters in the film are not what they might appear to be initially. I have to individually mention Bill Paxton and Cynda Williams for showing a lot of range by playing character, the perceptions for whom change radically in the viewer's mind with the revealing of new facts about their past.
I have already mentioned that the script is layered, but even then this could have become a standard crime-thriller with no depth. Carl Franklin actually underlined the themes in the script by putting more emphasis on the characters, their behaviour and their past than just the violence of the criminal activities. The film ends on an optimistically in a subtle way. But personally I would have probably ended the film on a bleaker note to go with the subtext of the film. But the ending to the film still works as a hopeful message.