Pretty much a last harrah for the golden age of Scream Queens, plot-wise the era ends on a whimper. However entertainment wise it ends with a bang. Showing a lot of clips to pad out the still skimpy 49 minute running time and name-dropping other films at the drop of a hat. This film still succeed at what the film's main purpose is: Showing nudity and loads of it. Yea, the jokes are beyond lame and grown worthy, yea the story sucks, and yes the clips DO wear thin quite a bit. But this is pretty much the last movie to find Scream Queens in all their '80's glory. I know it was technically made in the '90's, but trust me it's an 80's movie through and through. (the 80's movies started a bit earlier than the '80's with "the Warriors" by the way)
My Grade: C+