The group decides to form a simply economy to make things feel civilized. They base the economy on twist-ties just for fun, and then divvy up some goods. The stockbroker takes nothing but some simple tools.
Later they're all having fun trading goods and services for a few twist-ties. It's basically a bunch of kids playing store at this point, until they ask the stock broker for a shovel. He charges one of them 50 twist-ties for an hour's worth of shovel-time. The show actually takes a dramatic commercial break here.
The show returns after the break to see the broker as a self-appointed King. They're all basically serfs/slaves on King's land. They start an underground newspaper, which is nothing more than a note that says the King sucks or something similarly simple. The main character makes a smart remark about the paper, and another guy walks up says 'Yeah I stopped subscribing because they keep running the same article.' FUNNIEST LINE IN THE SHOW....sigh.
Finally the overthrow the King when the former-teacher fixes him some 'super-fiber' muffins. She owns all the toilet paper still, and charges him a million twist ties per roll.
In the next scene you see the woman has now appointed herself queen, treats the people even worse, and has a crown made of twist ties. Which is a little bit funny.
Somehow they just give up on the economy and go back normal. Lesson learned (I don't know what it was). End show (probably the best ever).