There's a certain trashy appeal in tabloid stories like this. There MUST be, as evidenced by 2016's presidential campaigns. I don't blame the actors, the director, or anyone else associated with this television teratoma. Under some circumstances, we will do anything for money. I played a drunken cowboy in a whorehouse in the immortal film "Traxx."
The tawdry story itself -- two reckless narcissists of no intellectual bandwidth are drawn together -- might have been done in an interesting way if those responsible had put any effort into the script and the images, but it sticks closely to afternoon soap operas.
The dialog is unspeakably bad. "Dear Paul. You're the only one who understands. Even Joey has betrayed me. Where did it all begin? Did it start with my father and what he did to me? Did it start with my mother, who wouldn't stop him? Or was it Joey?"
That's a rough paraphrase but not TOO rough.
Of course there are two sides to every soap opera, and if you find this version appealing, you might try watching Joey's story in another TV flick. I forget the title but Alyssa Milano has it on her resumé.
I couldn't sit through it. I prefer the insults being flung around on the political stage these days. They have more verve and they've come to elicit chuckles instead of winces.