Sabrina The Teenage Witch is a very well produced and funny show because of one good reason, the characters all have great chemistry. The Story is about a young half witch/ half mortal called Sabrina Spellman (Melissa Joan Hart) and she went to live with her Aunts Hilda (Caroline Rhea) and Zelda (Beth Broderick) and their world dominating mad cat Salem Saberhagen (Voiced By Nick Bakey). My favourite character (s) are Sabrina because Melissa Joan hart is a very funny comedy actress and she can make everything funny (plus shes fine), Salem because he makes me laugh all the time i watch him Nick Bakay is a very talented actor and Aunt Hilda, Caroline Rhea is the best actress on the whole show because she portrays wacky Hilda with brilliance. This show was very funny when they had Mr Kraft, Libby Chessler and Harvey Kinkle but it went down hill when they brought in talentless actors and actress, such as that girl from Clueless and Solei Moon Frye who is not a good actress at all.
In Conclusion i give the School Years of Sabrina 10/10 and the College years a 7/10 because i felt that it lost its sparkle after this! Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1996-2003