First off let me just state that I am a video store clerk. So I have seen my share of movies, good, bad, and horrendous. This movie falls under the last category. I first picked up this movie purely because of the cover. It was sitting in the Sci-Fi section, and I wanted to see if it belonged in the mature, well it doesn't belong in either. It's not a sci-fi flick, and it's too scatterbrained even for soft-core. How bad is it? It is so bad that my friend and I, couldn't decide how to even begin to catogorize this film Thus forth I have created a new category, "What the hell?" {A side note, the composer for this movie is Danny Elfman. Another reason for this movie to be in this category.} Now on with the plot, a group of women swap sex stories in a sauna. That's pretty much it, with who , I can't tell you without giving away the twist, which sufice is to say the only twist in this movie is with a slice of lemon. This movie is great if you like random nudity, and alien abductions, oh crap gave away the twist. Oh well at least you have the lemon.