Well, there are some things in this world that words aren't enough to describe. Forest Warrior is definitely one of these. Shiny acting combined with superb state-of-the-art special effects and especially incredible direction work by Aaron "The Vision" Norris. The story (and what a story indeed!!) tells of John McKenna (Chuck "the interpreter of feelings" Norris), a forest warrior, protector of the local woods who can transform into a bear (which is something everyone should see!). McKenna fights against the evil lumberjacks who YEARN to bring the forest down (you can actually hear one of them saying "i wish we could just cut down those trees"!). So the story is amazing and full of twists and tricks and it even includes a musical scene (insanely funny) where the lumberjacks dance and play 'air guitar' with their chainsaws.
In another words: don't miss this one!