Being from Catherine Cookson land i am a bit biased to promote the television works of the great lady's novels...but this one surpassed any of the previous adaption i had seen.
The moth is a tale of love across the classes, featuring Robert Bradley(Jack Davenport), a working class carpenter working in the shipyards on the Tyne, (NOTE: The Shipyard used is no more than three miles from my house), Sarah Thorman(Juliet Aubrey), an upper class woman with a seemingly mad sister, who is in fact devastatingly vulnerable and a mere child in a woman's body.
The development of the separate stories which eventually culminate in Robert being accused of bedding his cousin and fathering her child, and Sarah's mother dieing, leaving her to cope with failing finances and keeping a household going under the constant glare of her father and then her brother.
When the two main characters finally end up in close contact with one another, there is a spark from the very beginning, but it is a spark Sarah tries hard to hide for the sake of her reputation and her sister, but eventually Robert making her see how badly the family home is failing brings her to her senses and makes her fall in love with him...
All in all...a beautiful piece...check it out.
Also Jack Davenport(a broad southerner) taking on a Geordie accent...hilarious.
******** (out of 10)