STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs
I caught Lethal Tender very quickly as I was channelsurfing last night,and just happened to tune in as it was starting.For some reason,I compelled myself to carry on watching it,and,to start off with,it appeared to be a fairly compact,intelligent spin off of Die Hard.But,after that,it soon degenerated into an unspeakable pash.The acting by far was the worst thing.Even for an action movie,it was the worst I had seen in ages.The dialouge was totally over-the-top ,and the performances were hammy in the extreme.Though the battle with the terrorists was engagingly held,this was all in all,obviously just another cheap,straight to video,Le Monde,channel 5 movie.**