5.9? Really? A rating that low? I know the reason. THE WRONG PEOPLE SAW THE FILM! Why did they? They probably weren't warned.
"Wavelength" is about as far from mainstream you can go. An experimental film, zooming in on a window, over a week period. Of course, other things happen. A man(played by experimental filmmaker Hollis Frampton) dies, probably murdered. Then, we continuously watch to see what happens. The screen changes color, and we just see what happens to this dead body!
I, personally, find "Wavelength" to be a brilliant Avant-garde masterpiece. A film unlike almost any other, powerful and interesting! But, you may not, and that's okay. This is because ITS A MOVIE WHERE YOU LOOK AT A WINDOW FOR 40 MINUTES! That is certainly not going to be for everybody! So, I'd recommend this to people to enjoy experimental film, or at least have a strong interest in it. Everyone else, I don't really think so.