LOVED this darling, memorable, big little film. Jennifer TIlly plays herself, so to speak, and her outfits are cute: 50's embellished sequined sweaters, cute halter dresses and so on. Christian LaCroix, Natori! To name a few of the costume designers.. Aside from her outfits- Star studded cast and star studded non-acting credits- Branford Marsalis supplied the sax music in this relaitively unknown movie. To give you an idea of some of the jokes in this that were to me, hilarious, were when the parents (Joan Rivers, Robert Klein)do the happy dance when they hear (misunderstand, actually) that Tilly is dating a man in medicine. It aired on the "THISTv" network on December 20, 2022. My personal complaint with this story is the ending, rather, the lack of one, but I swear it won't detract from the watchability of the entire thing. Please watch, and enjoy! There are some familiar faces in this surprisingly nice little .. gem! It gets gem status.