Curse of the Puppet Master, the sixth film in the long running horror franchise, sees Toulon's tiny terrors in the possession of Dr. Magrew (George Peck ), owner of The House of Marvels, a small-town roadside attraction that he runs with the help of his pretty daughter Jane (Emily Harrison). When Magrew meets gas station attendant Robert 'Tank' Winsley (Josh Green), who likes to carve with wood, he offers him a job at his place, creating the many parts for a new living puppet, into which he secretly plans to transfer Robert's soul.
Director David DeCoteau (as Victoria Sloan) starts things off well enough, introducing his characters and setting up a few deserving victims along the way: a gang of local bullies, led by Joey Carp (Michael Guerin), and a nasty sheriff (Robert Donavan). So far, so good, but then it all goes pear-shaped: there's too much use of archival footage of the puppets, the boom mic makes an appearance, very little effort is made to make the puppets move as though they're alive, the gore is disappointing (just some blood splashed around), DeCoteau provides lots of shots of shirtless hunks (no surprises there) but no T&A from Harrison, there is an overuse of lightning and smoke to the point where it is distracting, and worse of all, the ending is ridiculously abrupt. The film simply stops mid-action, leaving the viewer to ponder whether they fell asleep and missed something. We should be so lucky.
3.5/10, rounded up to 4 for IMDb.