If you like to watch ladies in hot pants kicking stunt men then you are the target audience for this movie. The original title "Five Pretty Young Ladies" was changed to "Bruce, Kung Fu Girls" for the VHS release to attract the American audience who knew nothing of martial arts but had heard about Bruce Lee. The story loosely involves a scientist with a secret formula, an invisible man (or woman) robbing the rich, and somebody's mother gets kidnapped.
My copy is a digital version of the VHS that plays on a HDTV as a bit wider than typical 4:3 VHS format but not yet wide screen and is English dubbed. It is © 1981 Ocean Shores as are so many of these movies.
The movie is off to a gratuitous start with our girls fighting in their bikinis against male bullies at the swimming pool. By girls that means mostly our star Polly Shang-Kuan Ling Feng. She is also known as Polly Kwan plus at least 22 other aliases that you can find at HKMDB if you must. I have most of her movies and I have reviewed most of them here starting with her first 1967 "Dragon Inn". That movie is one of the greatest ever in martial arts movie history. She has also starred in some of the worst just to balance things out. She has a Facebook page from her fans but I have never found a proper biography. Her movie career ended in 1981. She spent about 20 years living in Los Angeles. Since about 2013 she has relocated exclusively to Taiwan.
I am sure that without the help of a review anyone could figure out that this is just a dumb and sometimes fun movie showing some pretty girls fighting for no special reason. I rate it below average even for those minimal standards.