I think with play for today from what I've got from watching experience of some of the series episodes is that just some of the stories of the plays of the episodes are good and stand out somewhat for examples with play episodes like "Nuts in May", "Abigail's Party", and I sort of have small soft spots for plays such as "Penda's Fen" and "Our Day Out" and "Pasmore" just to name a few but with some of those good plays most of the rest just seem to have proven for me to be quite boring or somewhat depressing as well. Now just to bear in mind I'm 18 and so of course I was never alive when these plays were originally broadcasted but honestly with most of the plays I just seem to get the feeling that audiences who were watching at the time just would have found it quite dull some of the time and just in general not always the best television viewing for Tuesday nights on BBC1. For an example of a slightly not the most sensical of plays shall I say, "Jack Point" to name one now the play itself is situated around the G&S (Gilbert and Sullivan Society) and the story centers around the committee mainly as they decide who should get the part of Jack Point in the yeomen of the guard and they're deciding whether it should be Clive Bates or Rowland Matthews and in the end they decide to choose Rowland Matthews to play the part of Jack Point but he ends up looking so frail and quite poorly when he's finally up there on stage at the end.