The film is more of a vehicle featuring British Music Hall talent then it is murder mystery. I'm shocked that someone hasn't done the same for America's got Talent: AGT, A Talent for Murder.
The Dummy Talks may make you consider if the title refers to the "little person" AKA the substitute ventriloquist dummy or Victor Harbord (Claude Hulbert, the ersatz detective. I am going for the later.
Watching the popular stage acts of the time is the best part of this film which makes it a bit of a documentary. Watching the Five Lai Founs spin plates on a stick took me back to my youth in the 1950s when the spinning plate toy was all the rage, second to the Hula Hoop. There are some great popular acts of the period featured including some very watchable acrobats, both serious and comedic.
The plot is pretty standard, ventriloquist star and overall cad Manning Whiley is murdered, and there are a plethora of suspects. After some entertainment from the acts and the bumbling Claude Hulbert, the major suspects are assembled to hear the evidence and most important-to hear the dummy J'Accuse.
Think of this film as more of a Music Hall/Vaudeville piece of history and you will be pleased.