Musical Merry-Go-Round #3 (1948)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
Third entry in the series is yet another entertaining one. The premise is the same as Martin Block is at his desk and we're made to believe we're seeing him on his actual radio broadcast. With guests in the room with him, Block introduces some popular songs when we then flash to sequences where these artists perform. Ray Noble and His Orchestra get to perform four songs and Noble also appears as one of the guests. Buddy Clark is also with Block and gets to perform with Noble on the last song (I'll Dance at Your Wedding). If you're a fan of music then this short will be mainly for you as it will give you an opportunity to see some popular music acts who are pretty much forgotten today. I found Noble and his men to be in fine form and the songs they performed were fairly good, if nothing overly special. Good Night Sweetheart, Linda and Serenade are the three other songs. The first and third are on a soundstage but Linda gets out into the open as Clark sings while trying to pick up a beautiful blonde. A quick look at Wikipedia and another review at IMDb shows that Clark ended up dying in a plane crash the year after this short was released.