No actress, regardless of how bad or good they are or if they're neutral, would have done a better than adequate job of playing Audrey Hepburn. She was simply too unique, for better as much as for worse, for anybody to portray her better than adequately.
Honestly, Jennifer Love Hewitt (who was 19 during filming) did no better and no worse than any other actress would've done portraying Audrey Hepburn, who Jennifer portrayed from 17 years of age and older. She did as adequate a job as Sarah Hyland, who portrayed eight year of age Audrey Hepburn, and Emmy Rossum, who portrayed 12 to 16 year of age Audrey Hepburn. Sarah Hyland was eight during filming and Emmy Rossum was 12.
But poor Jennifer is the one who got such flack for it. Sarah and Emmy were basically unacknowledged for it, probably because Sarah was eight and Emmy was 12.
The movie basically covers many aspects of Audrey Hepburn's life from late 1937 at age eight until her untimely death from cancer in early 1993 before she would've been 64. I won't go through the laundry list of them.
Just watch to find out what they are as I don't want to spoil the movie for Audrey Hepburn, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Hyland and Emmy Rossum fans who watch the movie. They're only people who should watch this movie, anyway.
Recommended only to Audrey Hepburn fans who are also fans of Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Hyland and Emmy Rossum. The Audrey Hepburn Story was filmed in late 1998.