Not a documentary, more of a loving tribute. Cast and crew from the entire length of the series (1963 - 1989) share their thoughts on the series and it's future.
I got a sentimental buzz for the show just watching it. In addition to clips from just about every existing story made, you get Jon Pertwee driving the Whomobile and telling us how silly he thought the Daleks were, Sylvester McCoy expressing his regret at the show's cancellation, and Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant discussing the true definition of a Doctor Who companion. There's footage from British news shows regarding the series (notably Blue Peter), and behind-the-scenes footage of some episodes. Love the old PRIME computer commercials featuring an engaged Fourth Doctor and Romana, er, Tom Baker and Lalla Ward. And I'm a sucker for that Jon Pertwee rap that plays during the end credits. I even got a kick out of hearing Mary Whitehouse's rhetoric. And it's only fitting that Nicholas Courtney, a man who was involved with the series from almost the very beginning all the way up to it's last season, should be the narrator.