How could I ever forget Johnny Socko and his flying robot! I started watching the show when in 1979 at the age of 6. I remember it being on TV for a couple of years, I suppose when I was about 8 or 9 – would have been the last time I watched the show.
Johnny Socko and his Flying Robot was my favorite TV show growing up then as a child. Among my other list of favorites (at that age of 6ish to 8ish years old): Batman, Lost in Space, Superman, Leave it to Beaver, G-Force, Incredible Haulk, Greatest American Hero, and yes even Dallas…. Put at the top of that list: Johnny Socko and his flying robot! I remember I had my own fleet of Socko Robots that I made out of Legos. I wanted my own giant robot so bad! There is one episode that seems to stick out…and that is the one where the Giant Robot loses his eyes… or they get messed up real bad and the poor giant robot can’t see anything… and he’s thrashing about knocking over any thing his arms hit. And wasn’t there a show where the Giant Robot turned on Johnny and all the good people of the world? Ha ha ha…. I remember when the Robot lost his eye sight, Johnny was crying over it. Amazing the things you remember from when your child.
I keep looking for VHS copies of this TV show to no avail. It would be nice if the SCI FI channel would re run this TV series! Also, the actor that played Jonny died in 1997.