Even after almost three years, Thief: The Dark Project remains my favourite game of all time. Thief II: The Metal Age, while not as good in terms of the plot, or of the characters, is still an excellent game and comes highly recommended.
In my (quite extensive) knowledge of FP computer games, no other game comes close to recreating the tense atmosphere. Just you wait until you get to the "Haunted Library" in the levels "Casing the Joint" and "Masks" - you'll see what I mean!!! :)
The Dark Engine (on which the game is based) may look slightly dated now compared to newer games, but it has some fantastic features. The best of which is the sound-propogation. Thief II (as with the original) relies heavily on situational awareness, and the Dark Engine pulls it off superbly - just by listening, you can tell exactly where the enemy is, whether just around the corner or walking around on the floor above. Add to this the Environmental Audio effects and I can guarantee that you'll not sleep for a week!!!
On the whole, I preferred the undead from the original game to the new mechanical monsters in this game as an adversary, but none-the-less, Thief II is an excellent game with a huge fan base.
If you haven't bought this game yet, buy it now. It'll get you into practice for the third game in the series, under construction by Ion Storm Austin (of Deus Ex fame), and is currently estimated to be released in the Autumn of 2002 (but I personally think it may be a little later!)