it is not a secert that Square (now Square Enix) makes great games. People who play Square games are players who look for more then just action and graphics. These people want a story, character development and a interesting battle system. back in 1998 after the Final fantasy 7 rampage, Square came out with a game that they hailed "The Cinematic RPG", which would be named "parasite eve". being a huge fan of Final Fantasy and Square, I picked this one up immediately. How did I like it....?
Something has infected this game, yes something that most games are immune to. This game was and is still a realer shiner and it promises actually wha t Square said. Playing this game you feel like you are watching a movie. The way the characters look ( which at the time was pretty damn good and stil l is), the graphics are so realistic that you could believe that this is a movie. The action is great and the story is a very interesting one for those of you who are biological nuts. Even though I am not, this games story still it from me. I wanted to know what the hell was going from the first shot of Aya getting out of the car till the very end. But the only negative aspect of this game was the battle system was that it was awkward at times, sure you could move around unlike Final Fantasy 7, but it was like Chess. IF you move somewhere and got a good shot off you were stuck there tempory and open to attacks. This game was also a nice present to female gamers cause Aya is one of the most A$$ kicking game characters with a amazing precence I have seen in a game. Eve may not be a Sephriroth but she holds her own to freak the gamer out and fear the minute you have to face her. I sold this game after beating it and it was one of the biggest mistakes, thankfully it is still around used. You bet I will be picking it up very shortly at a cheap $5. Do yourself a favor if you are a fan or Square/RPGs/ action games and get this before it disappears and STAY THE HELL away from the sequel cause it ruined what made the first game so magical...