I had the misfortune of seeing this film on TV at 2am in the morning. The storyline is contrived. The acting appalling. The direction non-existent. The music shockingly awful. I cannot understand how anyone would fund this film! It is a weird film purely for the sake of being weird, no story to grasp and find interest in, no narrative logic to comprehend, no characters to feel for. The film makers have tried to cover up lack of story integrity with obscure camera angles but it doesn't work. Nothing works in this film, it is a waste of money and time.
I wonder (as a south African) if our local film industry has any hope. We are constantly given dreadful local films to digest with no apology. Surely we have good stories to be told? Surely we have writers and directors who are actually talented? I shudder to think that this film got made with someone else's money in the hope that it would be good... I cannot understand how the script/ story would pass any sane persons desk and leave with a signed cheque!
I recommend this film to anyone who is a struggling with a script... it is a good lesson on what NOT to do in a film.