Pokemon lost my interest this way.
For some reason, Anime shows seem to have an awesome, action packed 1st season, then an annoying moral based second season, and then a good 3rd season that finds a balance point.
This may be why they switched to Tamers, or just that they ran out of villans, or that they forgot (or purposely) to leave a cliff hanger/open end. To sum it all up, they ruined the entire idea behind digimon. Digimon, to my mind are either the roaming, and may be killing, wild digimon or ones that protect their human friends/partners. The partners are few in number (which they lost in the Digimon World Tour) and are selected to try and remove the evil that is in the digital world. In a perfect series, evil gets beaten up but never removed (just like it is in life).
Tamers goes back to these principles and, at least so far, sticks to them. With it, it losses the requirement for the restraint on violence thus decreasing the morale content, increasing the fighting scenes, and keeping the same hilarious jokes they had for the original series. It is a beautiful save (applause).
Hopefully, like Pokemon seems to be doing right now, it'll just get better.