'Warrior of Justice' aka 'Invitation To Die' is a dtv trip that also doubles as an obvious vanity project for writer / co-director / producer and star Jorgo Orgnenovski. Low budget means poor fight choreography, some suspect audio, bad acting, but also a barrel of laughs. Female nudity, villains running an underground fight tournament (of course), Jorgo's stilted English line delivery and an awful sword fight finale.
Karate dojo sensei George (Orgnenovski) becomes concerned when he doesn't hear from one of his pupils. His gut feeling turns out to be right when he vanishes after a shady fight. Verdugo (Jorge Rivero) a Karate ace himself runs a very profitable Kumite which harvests the organs of its losers while also entertaining wealthy friends / bettors. As George & his gf cop Sara (Shari Blum) slowly close in to shut 'em down.
If you've sat thru too many pieces of cheese you'll notice faces beyond just Richard Lynch slumming it in a bit part. Nick Hill (Fists of Iron), Ian Jacklin (Ring of Fire II), Nils Allen Stewart (Bloodsport 2). Plus Jorgo is not gonna settle for just the standard vanity male butt shot. You almost see his taint twice. Blum get naked multiple times too and shows off a full bush. Add in swords, nunchucks, a crossbow and a silly karate-like yoyo along the way.
If you want a competent beat 'em up go elsewhere. 'Warrior of Justice' has a title credit sequence that doubles as an excuse for Jorgo to flex incessantly to the camera for nearly three mins just to further drive my point home. However if you want solid laughs - daft dialog, disjointed closeups, lol training montage - this might hit the spot.