I found this comment on PBS.org and I agree with it... "While the series was great, and the acting wonderful, I would have enjoyed it more had the author bothered to get even the smallest detail about Jehovah's Witnesses correct. There were so many inaccuracies, that I doubt she did any research.
First of all, a Jehovah's Witness would never have a cross in the home. Crosses are pagan relics that have no place in a witnesses' worship. Second, witnesses do not believe in burning hell, nor do they believe in everyone going to heaven. The belief is that while 144,000 will go to heaven, others will live forever on Earth. Third, even in 1974, when some witnesses did believe the end was near, they did not believe they would be taken up to heaven in rapture.
Verna Leep Thoreau, NM" The show is laughable in its portrayal of Jehovah's Witnesses as a stereotype of religious fanaticism. At the same time, it is so inaccurate in its portrayal, I think the average Jehovah's Witness would be vastly amused rather than offended.