Synopsis : Blood Shot is a quirky Action / Horror / Comedy about a Vampire who works for the United States Government; CIA: Vampire Division. A tough Cop pursues, determined to rid the world of this evil blood sucker.
When the Vampire is sent on a mission to annihilate a terrorist cell in Los Angeles, he must convince the Cop to join him in the fight against the greater evil; a warehouse full of terrorist scum.
Overview : A mixture of styles from BLADE to INNOCENT BLOOD with a little bit of American Pride thrown in. *Atmosphere - The setup for this movie got the point across : a cop versus the bad guys. A chain smoking detective debriefing an agent will let you know not to mess with these guys. You think they are all very serious until one attempts the name of the terrorist. 2 minutes later he is done
*Pace - A bit jumpy at the very beginning. I felt I was watching a trailer for the first few minutes then it finally kicks in with a smooth story. Definitely a movie for those that enjoy an action packed horror movie.
*Cast/Characters - Was nice to see actors with talent and that didn't have any difficulty in front of the camera. Michael Bailey Smith did a remarkable job as the vampire, I definitely wouldn't want to run into HIM in a dark alleyway! *F/X - A few impressive explosions and bad guys flying through the air, blood being splashed on the walls and the cop and vampire dueling it out.
Jekyll's Final Thoughts I have to be honest and say I am not a fan of movie shorts - only because I always want MORE MORE MORE! I had fun with this film and hope to see more work by Dietrich Johnston in the future.