The acting in this debauched piece consists of the most wooden, uncharismatic performances of several of the most talentless actors one will ever have the misfortune to witness. The special effects are neither special nor effective. The plot is lazy, simplistic, predictable and riddled with more holes than many of the characters' bodies by the end of the film. Any of these things in a vacuum would usually warrant a one star rating, however this perfect blend of utter ridiculousness, which takes itself seriously enough to be amusing since it exceeds any parody one could attempt to make, is a delight from start to finish. The lacklustre futility of many of the characters' attempts at escape, the stilted dialogue and the over the top sets makes for a chucklesome pastiche of a 'horror' film. Here director (and special effects artist!-you can see where the focus lies) Joe Castro rivals the worst films of Ed Wood in the hall of shame and as such this film should be treasured. It is even good enough that I can safely say it is superior to the higher budget film Jumper, which you should avoid at all costs.