Why is it that someone would want to make a group associated with irregular economic inactivity, abnormally high levels of illegitimate births, crime, and poor health, subjects(and hero's) of a comedy show? There is nothing amusing about teenage delinquents stealing televisions, pensioners evading tax, and children being insolent towards adults. So why must this garbage persist?
Comedy often targets the most extreme members of society and exaggerates them. However, in this case, we have seen it all before. Time and time again we see the same jokes. It is a shame that Scottish comedy is polarised towards the most disgusting, foul mouthed,law-breaking members of our society.
Why do the writers have such a fascination about these societal members in particular? Indeed we should still be making satirical humour about these individuals, but we should focus more roundly on the other classes. In addition, we should not applaud the acts(which would have once been sneered upon), we should deplore them and perhaps re-enact some of them, in a comedic style. I believe that it can be done, and without much of the focus being on foul language, tiresome sexual innuendos, lewd behaviour, and criminal activity.
It is evident that there is very little intellectual energy in the Scottish comedy scene. It has in fact, been virtually a monopoly for the last 7 years, in the hands of Karen Dunbar, Ford Kiernan and Greg Hemphill. How long must we bear this? How long must we be expected to accept this as the pinnacle of current Scottish humour? Until all is drained from these disgusting minds, we will have little to watch but deplorable, unintelligent drivel. Scottish comedy is really in a sorry state.