"Penetration Angst" is a very low-budget film directed by Wolfgang Büld. It has a promising story – there's a beautiful girl with a carnivorous vagina. She lives in London, her name is Helen (Fiona Horsey), and her good looks transform her into a lethal weapon – her way is strewn with corpses and blood. Some people will think that "Penetration Angst" is a carnival of sleaze and gore, but nothing of the sort. Fiona Horsey is very easy on the eyes, all along the film she's seen wearing scanty clothes, and some bits of nudity (body parts) are shown and that's that. As to gore, no, no, nothing - we see just the remaining clothes, the owner has disappeared. There was not enough money for the special effects. Anyway, in what concerns sex, one can't say the film is not erotic – Fiona Horsey and, sometimes other girls, take care of that.
I think that "Penetration Angst" was inspired by "Baby Blood"(France, 1990), only "Baby Blood" is a much better film. It tells the story of a pretty woman that works in a circus – one night when she's sleeping she's penetrated by a weird snake. From then on, she carries within her an alien being that will demand blood and more blood. So she will attract men to their doom – she seduces them with her beauty and she kills them. She needs blood to keep her creature alive. This is not done of her free will – her alien baby has a hold on her.
Wolfgang Büld adapted the story and transformed the "alien baby" into a carnivorous vagina – not a bad idea at all! If he had developed more his ideas and there had been more freedom (the film was made in the UK and had to be approved by the BBFC), then maybe he could have given us a genre masterpiece. As it is, the film is entertaining, with some touches of comedy, the girls are pretty and the story is ridiculous as it should be.