when I saw this over 20 years ago in high school, I was told it was the second in a French trilogy based on Ambrose Bierce's civil war short stories. The first, and most popular, was An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge, which gained much of its popularity by being shown as a special episode of the Twilight Zone. Chickamauga takes place at a wooded homestead that , because of happenstance, becomes a battleground when Union and Confederate forces meet there. It is told from the viewpoint of a little boy who witnesses the battle. The view point is surreal....the child doesnt seem to realize the carnage is real....I recall one strange scene where a wounded soldier, crawling on all fours, reminds the kid of a hog, and he proceeds to ride him like a toy horse....the film had many striking black and white images such as these....I believe only Owl creek Bridge, through the twilight zone dvds, is available for viewing.....perhaps one day they'll release all three on one disc....