The short-lived (but critically-acclaimed) TV show "Playmakers" was a well-acted series, with a lot of unknown and relatively-known actors in lead roles (which I always enjoy seeing). The show's subject was the lives of professional football players from a variety of perspectives: the headline issues, the playing fields/locker rooms, and their private lives. Gritty sports drama (with good humor mixed in throughout); had a slick soap opera feel to it.....sort of like an NFL Network/Lifetime Movie Network collaboration. :o)
If you ever wanted to take a look behind some of those NFL stories that get covered on SportsCenter, "Playmakers" is an enjoyable way to do it (now on DVD). Remember, though--it's *fiction*, not a documentary. It's supposed to sensationalize the pro football scene by adding more drama to each situation than might actually be present in real life. That having been said, the stories are *straight* from the sports headlines.....
And needless to say, if you love NFL football (like I do), it's worth checking out. The show does stand on it's own as a drama, however, and it's a good enough show that you don't have to be a hardened fan of the League to get into it.
The only caution from me would concern the implied violence, sex, drug use, etc. This show's not for the kids, the delicate, or the easily offended. I wonder which category the NFL corporate leadership falls into? It's not surprising, though, that they squeezed ESPN into dropping the show.