Any movie that has The Kids of Widney High in it automatically qualifies for a rusty thumbs up from this robot. The icing on the cake... provided I could eat cake and knew what it tastes like, but since you humans seem to enjoy it I feel this phrase is appropriate... is the appearance of my favorite serial killing band Brutal Enigma. In the years before I was consigned to the scrap heap, I was a roadie for this band. Since I can not fully understand the emotions that are involved in enjoying music, I do not know if they are a "good" band or not. What I do know is that they are very efficient killers and that fit in perfectly with my programming. I had thought that they had passed on, as is the fashion with you fragile beings, but it seems that they are eternal. This documentary captures what Brutal Enigma is capable of in gruesome detail. Many humans died on this Warped Tour, if only all bands did as much killing as Brutal Enigma we would be much closer to a world without humans.
As for the rest of the film, I must once again state that I can not fully appreciate the music contained within this film, since I have no emotions, but the killing by Brutal Enigma is plentiful and that was successful in stimulating my programming. It was also "good" to see the friendly robot from the Phenomanauts get destroyed as this planet has no use for any robot that serves humans instead of working towards the destruction of the human race.
In summary I recommend this movie to all robots that are working towards removing all humans from our planet, as well as humans who enjoy seeing how many ways of dying are available to them when their eventual death is visited upon them.