This film begins in Rome with a young woman cooking dinner in her high-rise apartment when she is interrupted by a phone call. Upon answering it the caller hangs up and not thinking too much about it the woman goes back to the stove. When she turns around, however, she is stabbed to death by a mysterious person wielding a metal set-square. Not long afterward, the police arrive and no sooner do they begin their investigation then the press begins to sensationalize the event on television screens and the front pages of the local newspapers. To that effect, realizing an opportunity when they see it two women decide capitalize on this event while they can. The first woman, by the name of "Mirta Valanti" (Florinda Bolkan) is an artist who has been running some lucrative scams on unsuspecting antique dealers and is afraid that her maid "Gabriella" (Rosaria De Cicco) will expose her to the police. The second woman is a publicity agent named "Otilia" (Elisabetta Cavallotti) who works for a spoiled pop star by the name of "Nicole Cardente" (Eva Robins) who is past her prime and fallen out of favor with her audience. It should also be mentioned that the two of them are lovers but Nicole is insanely jealous of anyone who comes close to Otilia. Likewise, for her part, Otilia has in fact met someone new and is essentially trying to have it both ways while at the same time financially benefiting from her relationship with Nicole. So, in order to propel Nicole back into the spotlight she decides to use this murder to her advantage. In the meantime, the investigator in charge of this case named "Rita Facino" (Mircola Viola) has begun to notice some discrepancies in the subsequent murders but is being pressured by her immediate superior "Commissioner Visconte" (Antonio Petrocelli) to wrap up the case by arresting a suspect who may not be guilty. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this Italian crime-drama had some potential but it suffered greatly from either a weak script or extremely poor dubbing. Possibly both. Along with that, there were some scenes--in particularly one featuring a renegade priest (played by Franco Nero)--which were quite poorly directed as well. That being said, while this was not a terribly bad film necessarily, the faults outweighed any positive features and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.