ArizWildcat has the exact right idea! (and not just because I also went to the U of A!) I work in the town where this was filmed and set...and it's not a desolate as the movie depicts. The movie needs some serious editing...too many artsy languid shots. The story is OK...some funny parts, although I don't know if they were intended to be funny. Some of the scenes could have been shorter (a certain bathtub scene, for one!) It is not rated, as of yet, but it is NOT for children. With a good editor, this could be a better movie. One shot which started wide and SLOWLY zoomed in to close up was somewhat jerky. I was aware of the zoom in slow, jerking movement, rather than being a slowly fluid zoom. I'm not a filmmaker, but it looked like the amateurish job I would have done with my camcorder! Of course, I may be nitpicking, but those are the things I noticed.