I may as well add my two cents into this discussion of the Swan and laugh if you want cause I don't see nothing wrong with this show. These women are just like everyone else who have gone through major tramas in their lives and for so long been trying to find the right people to help them. This show perhaps is the cure of it all and it certainly made a big difference on some of them. I watched the Swan the firt time last week and immediately fell in love with the show. These women have a lot of courage to go on national television and tell their stories which may be moving for some people that have been through simularities themselves but never had the right people to direct them. This show as fore mentioned can make a difference and each and every week these ladies go through the training & plastic surgery just to look good. The work may be tough but like troopers they really pull through to make it. Can't wait to see the Swan Pageant.