If you click on the IMDb Rating (the number of stars), you will see the graph that reveals the numbers. Right away you will see that the very highest rating -10, and the very lowest rating -1, make up the overwhelming majority of the ratings. The middle numbers come nowhere close to the two extremes of 1 and 10. THIS is why you cannot trust the rating numbers, nor the reviews. They are clearly artificial.
Because the topic of the show is Christianity, those who are very much against Christianity (haters) are prone to giving this show a very biased and dishonest rating due to their bias. Likewise, it is clear that many Christians in an effort to try and cancel out the dishonest 1 ratings from the haters give the show an artificially high 10 rating.
It is quite obvious that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the haters who gave the show a 1/10 STARS and a scathing review either watched only a very small portion of a single episode, or more likely, did not watch any episode at all. Instead, they just added their 1 rating and scathing review due to their hate. Although many Christians (in my opinion) gave an artificially high rating of 10 to the show, I can confidently say that unlike the haters, no doubt the Christians actually watched the shows. Honestly, how many productions are actually worth of a 10 rating, indicating "perfection"? You can probably count them ion your hands. And so...although in my opinion the show does not deserve a 10 rating, I gave it what I considered to be an honest rating of 8. This is because I honestly believe that the show was VERY WELL DONE! Over the past 50 years, I have seen many "Christian productions", and unfortunately they generally have a well deserved poor reputation due to their overall poor quality, with a few rare exceptions. I believe that THE WAY OF THE MASTER is definitely one of those exceptions because the production is very professionally presented in the manner of what one has come to expect in high budget television productions. The sets, effects, cinematography, scripts, and even the two hosts, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron were all really quite outstanding and well worth watching. Obviously, one goes into watching these programs with the understanding that they are presenting Christian ideology. As such, I think that anyone who is critical of the show for that reason is foolish as they are exposing their inability to be broadminded and able to think rationally. I've read many of the 1/10 reviews, and for the most part, any person of average intelligence can clearly see the bias against the subject matter... Christianity... rather than on the show itself. So forget the reviews, use YOUR OWN intelligence and watch the show with an open mind. Then, do enjoy the show just as I did!