Pride Playhouse is holding auditions for a show called "Balls Out". Basically it involves having young, cute men singing and dancing in the nude. 40ish drag queen Beverly Johnson (Gary Kelley) auditions and is told he is too old. He plots revenge and starts a cult to help him (don't ask). Meanwhile a worker at the theatre--young cute Shane (Rick Sparks)--is dumped by his boyfriend. He meets and falls for young handsome Roy (Matthew Herrmann)--but he can't get over his ex and is afraid to commit.
OK--this is hardly a great film. The plot doesn't make a whole lot of sense (I'm STILL not sure what Johnson's plot was), the tone was changing a lot (it's a comedy, then a drama, THEN a love story!), a lot of the jokes are groaners and Kelley overacts to an extreme that gets embarrassing. Still I did like this film. The whole cast is young and full of energy and, surprisingly, most of them can act! Sparks and Herrmann especially are good. They make a cute couple and their attraction to each other is believable. Also this film has some attractive male nudity including full frontals. The "Balls Out" musical number is just great! So this is no great shakes but a fun, quick (85 minutes) and gay independent film with plenty of energy and a good cast. The biggest problem here is a script that can't decide what it wants to be. I give it a 6.