I *loved* the first two Suikoden games, so naturally, when I saw this one on the rack at Future Shop, I instantly picked it up.
However, while it is definitely worthy of the Suikoden series, there are some flaws to be pointed out.
First, while your headquarters is now mobile, and an enjoyable addition to the game, this can end up mired in some very tedious travel time, especially if you're backtracking all the time.
Next on the 'Oops List' is the linear nature of this game. I have not played Suikoden III, but the first two were much more open-ended and free-roaming.
Finally, Suikoden IV is lacking in true character development. I have played the majority of the game, and thus far I haven't learned anything about the main character other than what he does for a living. This extends into inter-character interaction, which was excellently handled in Suikoden I and II, but seems to have taken a back-step here.
On the plus side, the voice-acting is well-done. One minor character's voice is just too shrill to be enjoyable, but this does little to detract from the game, as you likely won't interact with her often enough for this to be a problem.
While it does get tedious at times, Suikoden has the usual assortment of addictive mini-games, from coin-tossing to the ever-present dice and fishing games.
Large-scale combat has been redone yet again, and is enjoyable, though there really isn't any point to it beyond 'take the city back'. Again, this hardly detracts from such a well-done game.
Rent if you like, buy if you must. On the whole, Suikoden IV works hard to earn its place in the Suikoden lineup, and, for the most part, it succeeds.