A wise man once said: movie industry has its limits, and whats the point of them if they are not to be pushed? Thats exactly what S.N.SIBLEY has accomplished with this movie. A HOME FOR THE BULLETS is delightful combination of comedy, action and comic elements of horror. This young and ambitious director had done excellent job by confiding the main role to Ken whose performance is worth to be seen. During 90 min of this (unforgetable) film, Ken Moods character Axel Falcon is in a mission to destroy Davro, the main villain played by excellent Scott Johnson. Beside them, there are other various types of characters (such as ludicrous psychiatrist or transvestite werewolf) that increase element of surprise in this movie, same as ably inserted (black) humor in scenes of action (and tragedy). It is worth of mentioning excellent choice of music (wish there is a soundtrack). Anyone who wants to see something new, unique, humorous and visionary I recommend this, I'd dare to say, cult movie. And personally, I hope that S.N.Sibley will, with each of his new movie, push the limits of movie industry even further.