Honestly, this film which I managed to see on DVD does depict the last days of the leader of the USSR. However it should be noted that Breznev is also shown as the old man who is tormented by some memories from his past, starting from the times of Lenin, Stalin and Kruschev. This film helped me to understand some historical moments(impact of economic policy of Lenin, industrialization, blind following the principles of the Soviet Communist party).
It is disappointing that the positive deeds of the leader are shown (there were some episodes which imply relationship of "Gensek" with ordinary people when he helps for the poor man seeking justice or ladies in the shop). The director could have reminded of the negative aspects of political status created by Breznev. The interesting choice is the selection of some melodious Russian songs which are sung by the main actor of the film. Also the funny stories about Breznev. The love story between Breznev and nurse is not convincing, the director could have depicted the shady actions of the daughter of Breznev... 8 stars out of ten...