Funny As Heck, Who Made The Potatoe Salad
I know this movie had a billion stereotypes in it, but I'm sorry, I laughed through the entire thing. I had never heard of this movie but a family member had it on tape, so I watched it expecting it to be wack. Jaleel White as a cop did not strike me as interesting, but as soon as this dude proposed to his girlfriend and went home with her to meet the family, the nonsense began. This was some of the dumbest entertainment ever from butts sticking to plastic couches being pressured into eating pork the prisoner boyfriend's talk about Tiger style, the grandparents etc. It was some of the most stupid funny ever, but I enjoyed every minute of it. My hand didn't leave my forehead and the grin never left because this movie was such a waste of time but in a good way. I wouldn't suggest buying it, but I would suggest renting it on a day when you're off work, bored, and need something to tickle your funnybone.
The movie was hilarious! I was dying laughing pretty much the whole movie. My Girlfriend and I were watching the movie and we were cracking up!! The cast is great. This movie is a definite must-see.
danceability Amsterdam