...it's about suicide. So I'll call it compelling and deeply affecting instead.
I caught this a month or two back on our local PBS station's Saturday night indie movie slot, and was glad I stuck with it. Michael Emerson's presence was a pure gift, and it was so nice to see him as someone other than crazy Ben Linus, King of the "Lost" Island. He was excellent as the well-meaning but essentially clueless widower father, and the young actors were good as well.
The only character who grated on me was the young girl, Grove. She just didn't seem real or even particularly interesting, and at times I found her deeply irritating. The character, not the actress, who did a good job.
But the music. When Sufjan Stevens's "For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti" played all the way through over what was all but a real-time progress from home to school, I cried like a little girl. A gorgeous, moving song, used brilliantly.
I'll be buying this on DVD.