I watch a lot of movies. I've seen a lot of Nick Cage's movies. Some are better than others - but he always seems to deliver "something" in each and every one. He's got this odd, weird - psycho kind of persona that just works in these adventure/fantasy/horror flicks. These kind of films just need the main actor be a tad "off". Trust me, there have been other films were he's been certifiable crazy - and this one pales in comparison in spots - but yet there is still that unmistakable Nick Cage fingerprint.
I love Ron Perlman too. The banter and friendship between him and Cage was enjoyable. I love Perlman in the "Hellboy" series. I loved him in this for all the same reasons. It was like "Hellboy", but without all the makeup.
I've read in other reviews people didn't like the special effects. I loved them - and thought they were excellent. Nothing about them was distracting - only an asset to the movie.
I highly recommend this movie. It's fun, exciting, scary at moments - and well worth a watch.