despite the filmmakers desperate attempt at an art film, 'dive' plays more like a boring example of how not to make a decent short. predictable plot, no interesting characters, yawn-inducing dialogue...i could go on. it might have been better if they had accepted that it was a b-movie and played up it's pulp. instead of embracing the genre convictions, every character in the short looks like a reject from an interpol video. and they're playing gangsters and cops? spare me. trying to look cool has never come off so dorky. perhaps they should have titled it "wannabe hipster film nerds attempting to show off". i don't think i've hated a movie this much since 'things to do in denver when you're dead'. apparently it won some local awards. yeah. 'a beautiful mind' won a bunch of awards too. so much for that theory. this short is a chore to watch. f-